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Library for articles and journals from various publishers

external pageBrowZine offers a novel way of accessing licensed and freely available journals of the ETH Library: thanks to the tool, journals can be searched for and displayed independently of the publisher's platform. With BrowZine you can also:

  • Collect articles and journals in your own personalised library
  • Save papers and read them later on offline
  • Export papers to reference management programmes

BrowZine can be used as a web application for laptops/PCs or as an app on mobile devices. In order to access BrowZine, you need to be in ETH Zurich's network.

Instructions for mobile devices

Search for BrowZine in the app store (external pageAppleexternal pageGoogle or external pageAmazon) and download the application for free. Once you open the app, a list of libraries will appear. Select "ETH Library" and click on "Continue".

Personal account

You need to register (external pageprivacy policy) to set up a personal library (with the functions "My Bookshelf" or "My Articles"). Please note that BrowZine is a service provided by the US-based company ThirdIron. If you have any concerns regarding data protection, an email address without a real name can be used to create an account.


BrowZine primarily focuses on current journal issues. Older journal contents can be accessed via the option "View all back issues and sources for this title". Searches for articles or authors are not possible. In this instance, we recommend using external pageETH Library @ swisscovery as previously.


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